Shipping policy

Super Runners Shop - Shipping and Delivery Policy

Expedited shipping methods do not include processing time. 

Purchased items will be shipped from our warehouse locations in New York City within 3 business days of the order, although typically orders will be shipped much quicker.

Shipping prices are determined straight from the carriers. We charge what they charge us. The cost of the shipping depends on the weight of your entire order and its destination from our location in New York City. 

We also have 2 stores in Southern California.  If the shipping time to you is quicker, and we have the item in stock, we may ship the order from LA instead.

We'll do our best to process expedited shipping methods faster than other orders.

Domestic (USA): All domestic orders are shipped via UPS with delivery confirmation. Standard delivery time is 2-5 business days from date shipped, but may take longer. Most domestic orders are received within 1 week of ship date.

International: We do not accept or ship orders to locations outside the USA.